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Yiddish glossary - kehillat israel, reconstructionist , A: . . bisel, bisl. , . biseleh. . brokh. , hell. damn . curse. (hebrew) brokheh. blessing (hebrew) chorbn. disaster! (expletive) dank! !. A: A. A. A bisel, a bisl. A little, some. A biseleh. A very little. A brokh. Oh, hell. Damn it. A curse. (Hebrew)A brokheh. A blessing (Hebrew)A chorbn. Disaster! (expletive)A dank! Thank you! Seal team interesting stuff, Pete " pirate" carolan hobby. crazy! insane ! doc "mi vida loca" riojas. Pete "The Pirate" Carolan This is my hobby. I know that I am crazy! I do this to keep from going insane ! Doc "Mi Vida Loca" Riojas
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